The Virginia IET Blueprint
A Technical Assistance Blueprint for Integrated Education and Training
A project of the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center
Welcome to the IET Blueprint!
This Integrated Education and Training (IET) blueprint is a comprehensive tool for programs that are looking to design, strengthen, and scale quality career pathways program that integrates academic and literacy skills, workforce preparation activities, and occupational training through simultaneous co-enrollment in adult education and postsecondary education and training.
Resources to get Started
- Use the IET Shared Learning Objectives Template to develop shared learning objectives between the three essential elements of an IET.
- Use the IET Planning Tool on the Career, Technical, and Adult Education professional development page as an IET planning template.
Planned IET Programs in Virginia for 2022-2023*
Click on the IET by Industry and IET Map buttons to learn more about planned IET programming in Virginia for the 2022-2023 year. The map and table here include information on who’s offering IET, what industries and credentials they are targeting, and who their partners are.
*IET and IELCE programs planned for the coming 2023-2024 year will be updated October, 2023.
IET Checklists
The IET Checklist is a step-by-step guide to plan, develop, implement, and evaluate an IET program. Each item on the checklist is a clickable link to resources and tools to assist the team in completing each step. Click the yellow button to access the full checklist.
Resources Section
The sections below contain IET resources related to contextualizing and integrating instruction, building strong partnerships, engaging employers, designing the IET program and its timeline, building in support and wrap-around services, and supporting English learners. You can also use the Resources button below to search through all resources.
Developing an IET program requires intensive collaboration with partnering occupational training institutions, state agencies, community partners, and local employers. The resources on this site provide useful guidance for building a program and a curriculum that will meet the needs of your learners, partnering organizations, and employers.
Integrated education and training (IET) is the concurrent integration of academic skills, workplace readiness activities, and occupational training. Within IET, the adult education program offers standards-aligned instruction that is contextualized to the target industry as learners engage in occupational training with a training provider partner.
How can we effectively connect with our partners to integrate supportive services for more of our learners? How can we enhance motivation and retention through program supports? Check out these resources for tools and strategies to enhance learners’ experience in an IET.
Integrated English literacy and civics education, or IELCE, is defined in WIOA as education services provided to English language learners who are adults, including professionals with degrees and credentials in their native countries, that enable such adults to achieve competency in the English language and acquire the basic and more advanced skills needed to function effectively as parents, workers, and citizens in the United States. Such services shall include instruction in literacy and English language acquisition, the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and civic participation, and may include workforce training.
The materials and resources listed on this website are for use with either a Section 231 IELCE activity or a Section 243 IELCE program.
This resource provides IET programs with instructional supports, career supports, instructional materials, and technology tools that can be used to support English language learners in IELCE/IET programs. In addition, it includes a video series in which Virginia IELCE/IET practitioners share their strategies for supporting ELLs in IELCE/IET programs.

In August 2020, the Department of Education and the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center (VALRC) facilitated a two-day IET meeting for all adult education programs to focus on redesigning IETs for new distance-oriented learning environments. The meeting focused on virtual and distance instructional delivery, online credential options, support for English learners in IETs, and workshopping the IET planning tool to develop fully integrated IET Programs. The resources below were identified during the meeting breakout discussions as important issues for realigning IET programming to new distance learning environments.
Five sections are covered in this resource:
- Managing the IET timeline with concurrent IET activities
- Integrating learning support services
- Building partnerships and identifying partner contributions
- Enhancing recruitment and screening processes
- Supporting English learners in IET