IET Instruction Resources


These resources include tools for integrating and contextualizing instruction, academic and literacy resources, workforce preparation activities, and occupational training resources. 

Resource highlights

Check out our highlighted resources for IET Instruction. Scroll further for additional  resources.

Integrating Curriculum Lessons for Adult Education from Career and Technical Education

This resource provides information, research, and models for using integrated curriculum lessons in adult education.

ABE Career Connections A Manual for Integrating ABE into Career Pathways

This manual, based on evidence from a U.S. Department of Education study, presents guidance, information, and strategies for integrating adult basic education into career pathways.

Employability Skills Framework, OCTAE

Successful careers are built on solid personal and interpersonal skills. Defining, measuring, and building these skills— even naming them— can be challenging. In an effort to leverage and connect the efforts of policy makers, educators, and employers, the U.S. Department of Education compiled the Employability Skills Framework and developed related tools, media and resources.

Additional resources for IET instruction

Find additional resources on integrating instruction for IET in the links below.

College and Career Readiness Standards 

The College and Career Readiness Standards (CCR) for Adult Education report presents a set of college and career readiness standards that reflect the content most relevant to preparing adult students for success in colleges, technical training programs, work and citizenship—in the areas of English language arts/literacy and mathematics. (2013)

English Language Proficiency Standards

The English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards for Adult Education (AE) are intended to address the urgent need for educational equity, access, and rigor for adult English language learners (ELLs). The ELP Standards for AE are essential to ensuring that adult ELLs receive the focused and effective instruction they need to access states’ academic content standards. To that end, the ELP Standards strongly emphasize the academic language needed by ELLs to engage with and meet state-adopted content standards. When the language demands inherent in state-adopted academic content standards are understood, more effective instruction can be delivered to adult ELLs. Use these standards to design effective lessons that promote rigorous instruction for adult ELLs. The ELP Standards for AE were identified to help ELLs acquire the language knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their postsecondary and career goals.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Guidelines, CAST 

The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. The UDL Guidelines can be used by educators, curriculum developers, researchers, parents, and anyone else who wants to implement the UDL framework in a learning environment. These guidelines offer a set of concrete suggestions that can be applied to any discipline or domain to ensure that all learners can access and participate in meaningful, challenging learning opportunities.

Penn State IET Library

About the IET Library

Developed through the Pathways to Employment Initiative, the resources on this site provide strategies for contextualizing and integrating instruction to enhance persistence in adult learning.