This resource provides guidance for integrating transition skills including academic, career, and employability skills that
This resource provides guidance for integrating transition skills including academic, career, and employability skills that are needed to transition from adult education to postsecondary education into the adult education classroom.
USCIS is the official federal government site for immigration and citizenship information and ESL civics
USCIS is the official federal government site for immigration and citizenship information and ESL civics instructional resources.
This LINCS resource provides information and guidance for finding and using open educational resources for
This LINCS resource provides information and guidance for finding and using open educational resources for English language learning.
This report, published by the Department of Education, summarizes data in regards to English language
This report, published by the Department of Education, summarizes data in regards to English language learners between the ages of 14 and 21.
This webinar, presented by Standards In Action, presents strategies and examples for implementing standards based
This webinar, presented by Standards In Action, presents strategies and examples for implementing standards based instruction with English language learners.
This brief highlights three instructional approaches—task-based learning, problem-based learning, and project based learning—and a classroom-based
This brief highlights three instructional approaches—task-based learning, problem-based learning, and project based learning—and a classroom-based assessment.
Mastering complex language and developing critical thinking skills have become increasingly important for success in
Mastering complex language and developing critical thinking skills have become increasingly important for success in today’s world. This suite of resources addresses the skills that adult ELLs need to succeed.
This resource includes an issue brief, a PD module, a companion learning resource, and additional
This resource includes an issue brief, a PD module, a companion learning resource, and additional resources related to integrating digital literacy into the English language classroom.
ELL-U was a free professional development network for ESOL practitioners. The resources developed through this
ELL-U was a free professional development network for ESOL practitioners. The resources developed through this federally-funded initiative were designed to broaden, deepen, and strengthen the knowledge and skills of educators working with adult ELLs. The following are available via this resource: online courses, learning plans, and professional development materials.
This is a 2016 resource from LINCS, author Jayme Adelson-Goldstein highlights five key concepts underlying
This is a 2016 resource from LINCS, author Jayme Adelson-Goldstein highlights five key concepts underlying rigorous, contextualized English language instruction that aim to prepare learners for further education and careers:
Adelson-Goldstein reiterates the call for instruction that integrates the skills needed for transitioning successfully to postsecondary education or employment for learners at all levels of English language proficiency, including beginning literacy.
Integrated English literacy and civics education, or IELCE, is defined in WIOA as education services
Integrated English literacy and civics education, or IELCE, is defined in WIOA as education services provided to English language learners who are adults, including professionals with degrees and credentials in their native countries, that enable such adults to achieve competency in the English language and acquire the basic and more advanced skills needed to function effectively as parents, workers, and citizens in the United States. Such services shall include instruction in literacy and English language acquisition, the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and civic participation, and may include workforce training.
The materials and resources listed on this website are for use with either a Section 231 IELCE activity or a Section 243 IELCE program.
These videos provide a technical assistance overview of IET programs which includes an overview of
These videos provide a technical assistance overview of IET programs which includes an overview of IELCE programs as well a specific technical assistance related to IELCE Section 243 programs.